Day 8: Look at the people you surround yourself with. Are they people who you respect? Do they motivate, stimulate or teach you? Do they discourage you, slow you down or get jealous about your successes? If they are uncomfortable with your lifestyle, fight you on your choices and influence you to make decisions that you later regret, you need to take a serious step back.
Day 9: Vision Board: What should I put on my vision board? A: Anything that inspires and motivates you. The purpose of your vision board is to bring everything on it to life. First, think about what dreams you would like to become a reality in the following areas: relationships, career and finances, home, travel, personal growth (including spirituality, social life, education) and health. What you’ll need: • A poster board • Scissors • Tape, pins, and/or a glue-stick to put your board together. • Magazines that you can cut images and quotes from. • Time. Give yourself a stress-free hour or two to put your board together. Before you start your vision board Sit quietly. Open your heart & your mind, ask yourself what it is that you truly want. Images will come into your head. This process helps you to see your vision more clearly. If you share on social media hash tag #MilanoMakingDreamsRealityChallenge
Day 10: Visualizing your dream Before you go to sleep, imagine yourself as being the person you’ve dreamed of becoming & smile because one day you’ll be that person.
Day 11: Google “what do I need to get started _______(insert your dream job) Print out your findings (highlight the things you believe are necessary for the start of your business
Day 12: Begin doing the things you highlighted (This may take some time, with the intention of following through with each step)
Day 13: Network – make a list of your network, also make a list of the people you’d like to have in your network. Think about why you want to include them in your network & how you can get them to be apart?
Day 14: Find a mentor – it can be a mentor In your head, most people that have businesses may not have the necessary time to be a mentor to you but if you pay close attention to their story, things they share & their network you’ll learn an unlimited amount of stuff that’ll help you grow. thru the previous step (networking) should breed meaningful and productive relationships, use these to your advance and find a good mentor to gain knowledge and advice from. Congratulations you’ve completed your second week, Share your “Making Dreams Reality” journey with a friend and see if they will join you for the next 2 weeks.